Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology & Department of Life Sciences
Dr. Oliver Wagner, Professor
NSCT (National Science and Technology Council), MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology), NSC (National Science Council) & MOE (Ministry of Education)
[Note: 1 USD ˜ 32 NTD]
- NSTC 113-2311-B-007-011- 辨認MINT2(LIN-10)/CASK(LIN-2)複合體在神經中連結驅動蛋白-2 KIF17(OSM-3)至驅動蛋白-3 KIF1A(UNC-104)之功能 (Deciphering the function of MINT2(LIN-10)/CASK(LIN-2) complex to link kinesin-2 KIF17(OSM-3) to kinesin-3 KIF1A(UNC-104) in neurons) 2024/08/01-2025/07/31 NTD 1,290,000
- NSTC 111-2311-B-007 -010 -MY2 (PI) 新識別的粒線?動力學調節子SFXN-1.2及F55A11.4其分子與功能之特性分析 (Molecular and functional characterization of novel identified mitochondrial dynamics regulators SFXN-1.2 and F55A11.4) 2022/08/01-2024/07/31 NTD 2,880,000
- MOST 110-2311-B-007-006- (PI) 剖析新識別的調節子在神經元線粒?動力學中的扮演的角色並建立相關的神 經系統疾病模型[續] (Dissecting the role of novel identified regulators in mitochondrial dynamics in neurons and establishing linked neurological disease models [cont.]) 2021/08/01-2022/07/31 NTD 1,300,000
- MOST 109-2311-B-007-007- (PI) 剖析新識別的調節子在神經元線粒?動力學中的扮演的角色並建立相關的神 經系統疾病模型 (Dissecting the role of novel identified regulators in mitochondrial dynamics in neurons and establishing linked neurological disease models) 2020/08/01-2021/07/31 NTD 1,150,000
- MOST 107-2311-B-007-003- (PI) 管蛋白翻譯後修飾對秀麗桿線蟲神經元運輸與突觸功能的影響 (The effect of tubulin post-translational modification on neuronal transport and synaptic function in C. elegans) 2018/08/01-2019/07/31 NTD 850,000
- MOST 106-2321-B-007-001- (4/4) (PI) 台灣線蟲核心實驗室:整合、保存、與推廣線蟲生物資源與專業研究技術 (Integration, conservation, and distribution of C. elegans bio-resource and research know-how via the CECF Taiwan) 2018/01/01-2018/12/31 NTD 4,500,000 (to 3 PIs).
- MOE 106N519CE1 (co-PI) 新穎超材料官能基訊號增強與活體生物影像技術(Epochal functional-group signal enhancement and living bio-imaging technique by use of metamaterial) 2017/01/01-2017/12/31 NTD 800,000 (to 3 PIs).
- MOST 106-2321-B-007-001- (3/4) (PI) 台灣線蟲核心實驗室:整合、保存、與推廣線蟲生物資源與專業研究技術 (Integration, conservation, and distribution of C. elegans bio-resource and research know-how via the CECF Taiwan) 2017/01/01-2017/12/31 NTD 4,500,000 (to 3 PIs).
- MOST 105-2321-B-007-002- (2/4) (PI) 台灣線蟲核心實驗室:整合、保存、與推廣線蟲生物資源與專業研究技術 (Integration, conservation, and distribution of C. elegans bio-resource and research know-how via the CECF Taiwan) 2016/01/01-2016/12/31 NTD 1,500,000 (to 3 PIs).
- MOST 104-2321-B-007-008- (1/4) (PI) 台灣線蟲核心實驗室:整合、保存、與推廣線蟲生物資源與專業研究技術 (Integration, conservation, and distribution of C. elegans bio-resource and research know-how via the CECF Taiwan) 2015/01/01-2015/12/31 NTD 4,500,000 (to 3 PIs).
- MOST 103-2311-B-007 -004 -MY3 (PI) 藉由秀麗隱桿線蟲的神經系統來探討分子馬達對於囊泡運輸調控之協調性與拔河性機轉 (Understanding vesicle trafficking powered by coordinated activity and tug-of-war of molecular motors in neurons of C. elegans animals) 2014/08/01-2017/07/31 NTD 5,850,000
- NSC 103-2321-B-007-007- (PI) 灣線蟲核心設施:轉型並因應快速成長的線蟲科學研究社群 (A C. elegans core facility to support the vast growing worm community in Taiwan) 2014/01/01-2014/12/31 NTD 1,447,800 to OIW (total NTD 3,800,000 to 3 PIs)
- NSC 102-2311-B-007-006- (PI) 線蟲感覺神經細胞內調控鞭毛內運輸及軸突運輸之分子機制 (Molecular mechanisms governing intraflagellar and axonal transport in C. elegans sensory neurons): 2013/08/01-2014/07/31 NTD 1,150,000
- NSC 102-2321-B-002-071- (Co-PI) 邁向台灣線蟲核心設施之永續發展 (Toward the sustainable development of Taiwan C. elegans core facility): 2013/01/01-2013/12/31 NTD 980,000 to OIW (total NTD 3,800,000 to 3 PIs)
- NSC 101-2311-B-007-002- (PI) 神經細胞內調控分子馬達與粒線體運輸的分子機制 (Molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of kinesins and mitochondria transport in neurons): 2012/08/01-2013/07/31 NTD 1,150,000
- NSC 101-2321-B-002-043- (Co-PI) 整合核心設施支援並提昇台灣線蟲研究 (An integrated core facility to foster and serve the Taiwan C. elegans community): 2012/01/01-2012/12/31 NTD 840,000 to OIW (total NTD 3,000,000 to 3 PIs)
- NSC 100-2311-B-007-004- (PI) 研究在線蟲神經系統中調控胞器運輸及分子馬達的作用機制 (Investigation of mechanisms that control organelle trafficking and molecular motors in the nervous system of C. elegans): 2011/08/01-2012/07/31 NTD 1,100,000
- NSC 100-2321-B-002-024- (Co-PI) 增進台灣線蟲資源與服務 (Strengthening Taiwan's C. elegans resources and services): 2011/01/01-2011/12/31 NTD 680,000 to OIW (total NTD 5,400,000 to 3 PIs)
- MOE 99N2455E1 100 (PI) 九十九年度國立清華大學兩岸清華合作研究計畫經費 (Tsinghua University Beijing & National Tsing Hua University collaborative funding): C. elegans 與 C. reinhardtii中鞭毛內運輸及纖毛發育之調控 (Regulation of intraflagellar transport and cilium biogenesis in C. elegans and C. reinhardtii):
2011/01/01-2011/12/31 NTD 850,000 - MOE 99N2455E1 99 (PI) 九十九年度國立清華大學兩岸清華合作研究計畫經費 (Tsinghua University Beijing & National Tsing Hua University collaborative funding): C. elegans 與 C. reinhardtii中鞭毛內運輸及纖毛發育之調控 (Regulation of intraflagellar transport and cilium biogenesis in C. elegans and C. reinhardtii):
2010/01/01-2010/12/31 NTD 700,000 - NSC 99-2321-B-002-018- (Co-PI) 延續並強化線蟲軟硬體核心設施 (Continuation and improvement of the C. elegans core facility):
2010/01/01-2010/12/31 NTD 545,349 to OIW (total NTD 4,600,000 to 3 PIs) - NSC 97-2312-B-002-008- (Co-PI) 升推廣國內線蟲研究--整合並補強線蟲軟硬體核心設施 (Upgrade the C. elegans Core Facilities):
2008/12/01-2009/11/30 NTD 1,335,134 to OIW (total NTD 5,180,000 to 3 PIs) - NSC 97-2311-B-007-006-MY3 (PI) 在C. elegans 線蟲神經中, 透過附屬蛋白調節載具與分子馬達 (Regulation of cargo transport and molecular motors by accessory proteins in the nervous system of C. elegans):
2008/08/01-2011/7/31 NTD 3,000,000 - MOE 97J0028V6 (PI) 大學跨學門科學人才培育銜接計畫申請書 (Cross-disciplinary teaching program for undergraduate students. Subproject: "Bio-Chip design for neuronal growth and cell selection"): 2008/02/01-2008/12/31 NTD 203,520
- NSC 96-3111-B-007-002- (PI) 建立線蟲核心實驗設施 (Establishment of a C. elegans core facility): 2007/11/01-2008/10/31 NTD 3,200,000
- NSC 96-2311-B-007-002- (PI) C. elegans 線蟲神經系統中分子馬達運動至突觸之調節機制探討 (Mechanisms of molecular motor targeting to synaptic sites in the nervous system of C. elegans): 2007/08/01-2008/07/31 NTD 920,000
- NSC 95-2321-B-007-003 (PI) C. elegans 蟲中突觸之微囊泡運輸與分子馬達雙向移動力之調節 (Regulation of bidirectional synaptic vesicle transport and molecular motor motility in C. elegans): 2006/12/01-2007/11/30 NTD 1,200,000