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Olden days, all the animals wanted to have stories named after them,
back in the days when the songs that sung the world were still being
sung, back when they were still singing the sky and the rainbow and the
ocean. It was in those days when animals were people as well as animals
that Anansi the spider tricked all of them, especially Tiger; because
he wanted all the stories named after him.
are like spiders, with all the long legs, and stories are like
spiderwebs, which man get himself all tangled up in but which look so
pretty when you see them undera leaf in the morning dew, and in the elegant
way that they connect to one another, each to each.
What's that? You want to know if Anansi looked like spider? Sure he did, except when he looked a man.
No, he never changed his shape. It's just a matter of how you tell the story.
That's all
安安西的崽子們 Anansi Boys
忘了是誤信了誰的讒言,之前一直被誤導說安安西的崽子們是美國諸神的續作。當然,從某種角度來說這種講法也不算錯--Anansi Boys 確實延續了 American Gods 的神話觀,Anaansi 本身也可以算是延續美國諸神中出現過的人物,只是多數角色,情節與氣氛都大大地不同。
一輩子都是個失敗者的肥仔查理死了爹(死在酒吧附設卡拉OK的舞台上,心臟病發往前一倒還亂抓扯開了一位女士的衣襟),他回家奔喪還跑錯喪禮會場,一團混 亂後後鄰居老太婆告訴肥仔查理他還有個(查理自己毫無所知的)兄弟,而且他們剛過世的爹是一位神...... 老太婆告訴他跟跟蜘蛛講就可以找到他的兄弟。窮極無聊的查理真的叫浴室裡的一隻大蜘蛛把自己兄弟找來--而他的兄弟,斯敗德 (Spider) 還真的出現在他面前了......回 上層 |