(a)accession number : P40692

(b)entry name : MLH1_HUMAN

(c) release date of last modification : Release 40, October 2001

number of amino acids : 756 AA

molecular weight : 84600.9 Da

theoretical pI : 5.51

Total number of negatively charged residues (Asp + Glu): 104
Total number of positively charged residues (Arg + Lys): 83

Assignment 5
Sequence analysis of MLH1 protein.


1. Search human MutL protein homolog 1, Mlh1, in SWISS-PROT database. Give its (a) accession number, (b) entry name and (c) release date of last modification.





2. Give its number of amino acids, molecular weight and theoretical pI.





3. Calculate the total number of negatively charged residues and positively charged residues.



4. Calculate its hydrophobicity (Kyte & Doolittle scale, window size 11, Relative weight 60%).

Ans: Here

5. Performe the trypsin (higher specificity) cleavage of the protein. (a) How many peptides will you get after cleavage? (b) Give the list of peptides with a mass bigger than 1000 dalton

Ans: (a) 64 (Here)



