Key for assignment 5


1. Search human MutL protein homolog 1, Mlh1, in SWISS-PROT database. Give its (a) accession number, (b) entry name and (b) release data of last modification.

(a) P40692


(c) Release 40, October 2001

ExPASy -> click SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL (under Database) -> click SRS

-> hit Start Button -> select SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL -> hit Continue Button

-> Choose AllText, type mlh1 on first line -> Choose Organism, type human on second line

-> hit DO Query Button -> You will find 4 entries -> click on SWISS PROT:MLH1 HUMAN


2. Give its number of amino acids, molecular weight and theoretical pI.

Number of amino acids: 756

Molecular weight: 84600.9

Theoretical pI: 5.51

click on ProtParam (under Tools at the buttom of the page) -> hit SUBMIT Button


3. Calculate the total number of negatively charged residues and positively charged residues.

Total number of negatively charged residues (Asp + Glu): 104

Total number of positively charged residues (Arg + Lys): 83

Same as question 2.

4. Calculate its hydrophobicity (Kyte & Doolittle scale, window size 11, Relative weight  60%).

click on ProtScale (under Tools at the buttom of the page) -> choose  Hphob. / Kyte & Doolittle  ->

change window size and relative weight at the buttom of the page -> hit Submit Button -> hit SUBMIT button again

5. Performe the trypsin (higher specificity) cleavage of the protein. (a) How many peptides will you get after cleavage? (b) Give the list of peptides with a mass bigger than 1000 dalton.

(a) 33

(b) Answer

click on PeptideMass (under Tools at the buttom of the page) -> Select an enzyme : Trypsin (higher specificity) ->

choose 1000 under "Display the peptides with a mass bigger than 1000 dalton" -> hit Perform Button