Q: Calculate the ratio of molecules in the upper to those in the lower energy level when the separation between these is as follows. Assume the temperature is 300 K. Three types of energy involved are shown.

  1. 11.9 J*mol-1 (rotational)
  2. 11.9 kJ*mol-1 (vibrational)
  3. 119 kJ*mol-1 (electronic)


We apply nupper / nlower = exp[-DE / kT] in each case. Since E is given for 1 mol, we must use the form

nupper / nlower = exp[-DE / RT]

where R = 8.31 J*mol-1.

  1. rotational: nupper / nlower = exp(-11.9/8.31*300) = 0.9952 (the two states are almost equally populated.)
  2. vibrational: nupper / nlower = 8.5*10-3
  3. electronic: nupper / nlower = 1.86*10-21