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  • Immunocytochemistry. Cell were fixed and permeabilized. Oregon Green conjugated Phalloidin was used to localized actin.(400*)
  • Immunocytochemistry. Rat cortical neuron were fixed and permeabilized. Oregon Green conjugated Phalloidin was used to localized actin. Here shows a typical neuron cell actin distrubution profile.(400*)
  • Double Staining. Rat cortical neuron were fixed and permeabilized. For 1st stain, Oregon Green conjugated Phalloidin was used to localized actin; for 2nd stain, primary antibody is anti-tubulin mouse IgG, secondary antibody is Texas Red conjugated anti mouse IgG. Here shows a typical Actin-Tubulin distrubution profile of Growth cone(1000*)
  • Double Staining. Rat cortical neuron were fixed and permeabilized. For 1st stain, Oregon Green conjugated Phalloidin was used to localized actin; for 2nd stain, primary antibody is anti-tubulin mouse IgG, secondary antibody is Texas Red conjugated anti mouse IgG.(400*)
