Homework 2

due on 4/15

1. Transcription of the ant gene during lytic growth of bacteriophage P22 regulated by the cooperative binding of two Arc repressor dimers to a 21-base-pair operator site. Pabo and Sauer at MIT have solved the co-crystal structure of Arc tetramer-operator complex. Please find the article that they published this structure and show the abstracrt on your homepage.

Ans: The abstract of this paper was found in Medline online and store here. You can link to the stored type here or the original style on Medline


2. Smith and Sauer have also studied the role of operator subsites in Arc repression. They described the results in a paper. Please find this paper and show the full article on your homepage in PDF format.

Ans: The paper is downloaded from JMB online and saved in PDF format.