Homework #3

The structure of trp repressor complexed with its operator

ID number : 1TRO


Resulution : 1.9 ANGSTROMS

Residues number in one monomer : 108

Cofactors in whole complex : 4

The script that makes the final picture:

select all
wireframe off

select *B,*D,*F,*H
spacefill on
color [0,0,255]

select *A,*C,*E,*G,*I,*J,*K,*L
cartoon on

select *A,*G
color [0,255,0]

select *C,*E
color [255,50,100]

select *I,*L
color [255,255,0]

select *J,*K
color [0,255,255]

set ambient 30

Arc tetramer-operator complex

DNA Sequences:

Chain E: T A T A G T A G A G T G C T T C T A T C A T
Chain F: A A T G A T A G A A G C A C T C T A C T A T

The possible hydrogen bonds: