Starch and sugar
As early as the beginning of the 19th century, the
German chemist Kirchhoff discovered that by boiling starch with acid, it
could be converted into a sweettasting substance which mainly consisted
of glucose.
Kirchhoff was looking for a replacement
for cane sugar, which could not be supplied to Europe due to a blockade
during the Napoleonic wars. However, Kirchhoff's product did not provide
a complete solution to the shortage of sugar, partly because glucose is
only about twothirds as sweet as cane or beet sugar and partly because
the yield using his technique was not very high.
Nevertheless, since then acid has been
used to a great extent for the breakdown of starch into glucose. This technique
does, however, have a number of drawbacks: formation of undesirable byproducts,
poor flexibility (the endproduct can only be changed by changing the
degree of hydrolysis) and finally, the necessity for equipment capable
of withstanding acid used at temperatures of 140-150°C. In all these
respects, enzymes are superior to acid.
The DE value (dextrose equivalent)
is used as an indication of the degree of hydrolysis of a syrup. The DE
value of starch is zero and that of dextrose is 100. Syrups with DE values
from 35-43 are still widely produced by acid hydrolysis despite the drawbacks
mentioned above. However, due to the formation of byproducts, it is
difficult to produce low and highDE syrups of a high quality.
In the last 30 years, as new enzymes
have become available, starch hydrolysis technology has been transformed.
There has been a big move away from acid and today the vast majority of
starch hydrolysis is performed using enzymes.
Furthermore, in the 1970s, an enzyme
technique made possible the production of a syrup as sweet as sucrose -
high fructose syrup. The production of this syrup has significantly boosted
the growth of the starch industry in certain countries.
The starch industry is indisputably
the second largest area of application for enzymes after detergent enzymes.
Enzymatic starch conversion
Depending on the enzymes used, syrups with different
compositions and physical properties can be obtained from starch. The syrups
are used in a wide variety of foodstuffs: soft drinks, confectionery, meats,
baked products, ice cream, sauces, baby food, canned fruit, preserves,
There are three basic steps in enzymatic
starch conversion - liquefaction, saccharification and isomerization. In
simple terms, the further a starch processor proceeds, the sweeter the
syrup that can be obtained.
Firstly, there is a liquefaction process. By using
bacterial alphaamylase on its own, a 'maltodextrin' is obtained which
mainly contains different oligosaccharides and dextrins. Maltodextrins
are only slightly sweet and they usually undergo further conversion.
Most starch treated with bacterial alphaamylases
is made sweeter using an amyloglucosidase, otherwise known as a glucoamylase.
This process is called saccharification
and the amyloglucosidase can theoretically hydrolyze starch completely
to glucose. In practice, a little maltose and isomaltose is produced too.
A pullulanase is a debranching enzyme
that can also be used to aid saccharification. Fungal alphaamylases
can also be added in order to produce syrups with a higher maltose content,
which have high fermentability and a relatively high sweetness. A high
maltose content can also be obtained by using betaamylase or Maltogenase,Ô
possibly in combination with a pullulanase. A syrup produced by betaamylase
has virtually no dextrose while a syrup produced by Maltogenase contains
no maltotriose.
Going one step further, a proportion of the glucose
can be isomerized into fructose, which is about twice as sweet as glucose.
An immobilized glucose isomerase is used and if it were not for this enzyme,
it would not be possible to convert glucose into fructose with high yields
and with few byproducts. In the 1970s, Novo developed the glucose
isomerase Sweetzyme® - the first immobilized enzyme to be
produced on an industrial scale. Immobilizing the isomerase enables it
to be used continuously for several months.
The products of isomerization that
have so far assumed the greatest importance contain approximately 42% fructose/54%
glucose and 55% fructose/41% glucose. These are known as 'high fructose
(corn) syrup', 'isosyrup', 'isoglucose' or 'starch sugar' depending on
the enduse. They are as sweet as ordinary cane or beet sugar and have
the same energy content. In many cases, a total replacement of sugar is
possible without any noticeable change in the character of the product.
In the USA, for example, high fructose syrup has more or less replaced
the sugar previously used in the manufacture of beverages, dairy products,
baked products and canned foods.
Syrups with a higher fructose content
than 42% are obtained by a nonenzymatic treatment of the high fructose
syrup. Pure fructose is about 40% sweeter than sugar.
Starch is a natural component of sugar cane. When
the cane is crushed, some of the starch is transferred into the cane juice
where it remains throughout subsequent processing steps. Part of the starch
is degraded by natural enzymes already present in the cane juice, but if
the concentration of starch is too high, starch may be present in the crystallized
sugar (raw sugar). If this is to be further processed to refined sugar,
starch concentrations beyond a certain level are unacceptable because the
filtration of the sugar solution will be too difficult.
In order to speed up the degradation of starch, it is general practice
to add concentrated enzymes during the evaporation of the cane juice.
Due to its extreme thermal stability,
Novo Nordisk's Termamyl® may be added at an earlier stage
of the multistep evaporation than conventional enzymes. Termamyl is
therefore the product preferred for starch degradation.
Another polysaccharide, dextran, is
not a natural component of sugar cane, but it is sometimes formed in the
sugar cane by bacterial growth. This happens in particular when the cane
is stored under adverse conditions (high temperatures and high humidity).
Dextran has several effects on sugar processing: clarification of the raw
juice becomes less efficient, filtration becomes difficult, heating surfaces
become 'gummed up', which affects heat transfer, and finally, crystallization
is impeded resulting in lower sugar yields.
These problems may be overcome by adding
a dextransplitting enzyme at a suitable stage of the process. Novo
Nordisk supplies a fungal enzyme called Dextranase for this application.
It should be added that dextran problems
may also be encountered in the processing of sugar beets, although the
cause of the dextran is different. In this case, dextran is usually a problem
when the beets have been damaged by frost. The cure, however, is the same:
treatment with a dextranase preparation.