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LOCUS       82787         604 aa                              18-MAR-1997
DEFINITION  glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase (EC precursor - Rhizopus
PID         g82787
DBSOURCE    PIR: locus JP0001
            summary: #length 604 #molecular-weight 65079 #checksum 2664.
            genetic: #introns 51/3; 110/3; 129/1; 436/3.
            superfamily: Rhizopus glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase; glucan 1,
            4-alpha-glucosidase homology; glucoamylase starch-binding domain
            PIR dates: 28-Dec-1987 #sequence_revision 23-Aug-1996 #text_change
KEYWORDS    glycosidase; hydrolase; polysaccharide degradation.
SOURCE      Rhizopus oryzae.
  ORGANISM  Rhizopus oryzae
            Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Fungi; Zygomycota;
            Zygomycetes; Mucorales; Mucoraceae; Rhizopus.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 604)
  AUTHORS   Tanaka, Y., Ashikari, T., Nakamura, N., Kiuchi, N., Shibano, Y.,
            Amachi, T. and Yoshizumi, H.
  TITLE     Comparison of amino acid sequences of three glucoamylases and their
            structure-function relationships
  JOURNAL   Agric. Biol. Chem. 50, 965-969 (1980)
  REMARK    annotation; homology; predicted secondary structure
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 604)
  AUTHORS   Ashikari, T., Nakamura, N., Tanaka, Y., Kiuchi, N., Shibano, Y.,
            Tanaka, T., Amachi, T. and Yoshizumi, H.
  TITLE     Rhizopus raw-starch-degrading glucoamylase: its cloning and
            expression in yeast
  JOURNAL   Agric. Biol. Chem. 50, 957-964 (1986)
COMMENT     Rhizopus glucoamylase exists in multiple forms, Gluc 1, Gluc 2, and
            Gluc 3, all of which hydrolyze gelatinized starch at similar rates,
            but only the largest one (Gluc 1) is able to adsorb and degrade raw
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..604
                     /organism="Rhizopus oryzae"
     Region          1..25
                     /note="signal sequence"
     Protein         1..604
                     /note="1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase; glucoamylase"
                     /product="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase precursor"
     Region          26..604
                     /note="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase (Gluc 1)"
     Region          34..138
                     /note="glucoamylase starch-binding domain homology #label
     Region          116..604
                     /note="(or 110-604) glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase (Gluc 3)"
     Region          159..604
                     /note="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase (Gluc 2)"
     Region          166..592
                     /note="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase homology #label GAG"
        1 mqlfnlplkv sfflvlsyfs llvsaasips sasvqldsyn ydgstfsgki yvkniayskk
       61 vtviyadgsd nwnnngntia asysapisgs nyeywtfsas ingikefyik yevsgktyyd
      121 nnnsanyqvs tskpttttat attttapsts tttppsssep atfptgnsti sswikkqegi
      181 srfamlrnin ppgsatgfia aslstagpdy yyawtrdaal tsnvivyeyn ttlsgnktil
      241 nvlkdyvtfs vktqststvc nclgepkfnp dgsgytgawg rpqndgpaer attfilfads
      301 yltqtkdasy vtgtlkpaif kdldyvvnvw sngcfdlwee vngvhfytlm vmrkglllga
      361 dfakrngdst rastysstas tiankissfw vssnnwiqvs qsvtggvskk gldvstllaa
      421 nlgsvddgff tpgsekilat avavedsfas lypinknlps ylgnsigryp edtyngngns
      481 qgnswflavt gyaelyyrai kewignggvt vssislpffk kfdssatsgk kytvgtsdfn
      541 nlaqnialaa drflstvqlh ahnngslaee fdrttglstg ardltwshas litasyakag
      601 apaa