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LOCUS 83686 639 aa 06-DEC-1996
DEFINITION glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase (EC precursor - Aspergillus
PID g83686
DBSOURCE PIR: locus JQ0607
summary: #length 639 #molecular-weight 68130 #checksum 7684.
genetic: #introns 72/1; 166/3; 199/1; 411/3.
superfamily: Aspergillus glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase; glucan
1,4-alpha-glucosidase homology.
PIR dates: 31-Mar-1992 #sequence_revision 31-Mar-1992 #text_change
KEYWORDS glycosidase; hydrolase; polysaccharide degradation.
SOURCE Aspergillus sp.
ORGANISM Aspergillus sp.
Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Fungi; Ascomycota;
Euascomycetes; Plectomycetes; Eurotiales; Trichocomaceae;
mitosporic Trichocomaceae; Aspergillus.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 639)
AUTHORS Shibuya,I., Gomi,K., Iimura,Y., Takahashi,K., Tamura,G. and Hara,S.
TITLE Molecular cloning of the glucoamylase gene of Aspergillus
shirousami and its expression in Aspergillus oryzae
JOURNAL Agric. Biol. Chem. 54 (8), 1905-1914 (1990)
MEDLINE 91182400
COMMENT This enzyme catalyzes the release of glucose from the non-reducing
ends of starch and related polysaccharides.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..639
/organism="Aspergillus sp."
Protein 1..639
/product="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase precursor"
Region 1..24
/note="signal sequence"
Region 23..446
/note="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase homology #label GAG"
Region 25..639
1 msfrsllals glvcsglasv iskratldsw lsneatvart ailnnigadg awvsgadsgi
61 vvaspstdnp dyfytwtrds givlktlvdl frngdtdlls tiehyissqa iiqgvsnpsg
121 dlssgglgep kfnvdetaya gswgrpqrdg palratamig fgqwlldngy tsaateivwp
181 lvrndlsyva qywnqtgydl weevngssff tiavqhralv egsafatavg sscswcdsqa
241 pqilcylqsf wtgsyilanf dssrsgkdtn tllgsihtfd peagcddstf qpcspralan
301 hkevvdsfrs iytlndglsd seavavgryp edsyyngnpw flctlaaaeq lydalyqwdk
361 qgsleitdvs ldffkalysg aatgtyssss styssivsav ktfadgfvsi vethaasngs
421 lseqfdksdg delsardltw syaalltann rrnsvvppsw getsassvpg tcaatsasgt
481 yssvtvtswp sivatggttt tatttgsggv tstsktttta sktstttsst scttptavav
541 tfdltattty geniylvgsi sqlgdwetsd gialsadkyt ssnppwyvtv tlpagesfey
601 kfirvesdds vewesdpnre ytvpqacges tatvtdtwr