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LOCUS 83649 640 aa 06-DEC-1996
DEFINITION glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase (EC precursor - Aspergillus
PID g83649
DBSOURCE PIR: locus A29166
summary: #length 640 #molecular-weight 68308 #checksum 9634.
genetic: #introns 72/1; 167/3; 200/1; 398/3.
superfamily: Aspergillus glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase; glucan
1,4-alpha-glucosidase homology.
PIR dates: 08-Mar-1989 #sequence_revision 08-Mar-1989 #text_change
KEYWORDS alternative splicing; extracellular protein; glycoprotein;
glycosidase; hydrolase; polysaccharide degradation.
SOURCE Aspergillus awamorii.
ORGANISM Aspergillus awamorii
Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Fungi; Ascomycota;
Euascomycetes; Plectomycetes; Eurotiales; Trichocomaceae;
mitosporic Trichocomaceae; Aspergillus.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 640)
AUTHORS Nunberg,J.H., Meade,J.H., Cole,G., Lawyer,F.C., McCabe,P.,
Schweickart,V., Tal,R., Wittman,V.P., Flatgaard,J.E. and Innis,M.A.
TITLE Molecular cloning and characterization of the glucoamylase gene of
Aspergillus awamori
JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. 4 (11), 2306-2315 (1984)
MEDLINE 85085934
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..640
/organism="Aspergillus awamorii"
Protein 1..640
/note="1,4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase precursor;
glucoamylase precursor"
/product="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase precursor"
Region 1..18
/note="signal sequence"
Region 19..640
/note="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase"
Region 23..447
/note="glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase homology #label GAG"
1 msfrsllals glvctglanv iskratldsw lsneatvart ailnnigadg awvsgadsgi
61 vvaspstdnp dyfytwtrds glvlktlvdl frngdtslls tienyisaqa ivqgisnpsg
121 dlssgaglge pkfnvdetay tgswgrpqrd gpalratami gfgqwlldng ytstatdivw
181 plvrndlsyv aqywnqtgyd lweevngssf ftiavqhral vegsafatav gsscswcdsq
241 apeilcylqs fwtgsfilan fdssrsgkda ntllgsihtf dpeaacddst fqpcsprala
301 nhkevvdsfr siytlndgls dseavavgry pedtyyngnp wflctlaaae qlydalyqwd
361 kqgslevtdv sldffkalys daatgtysss sstyssivda vktfadgfvs ivethaasng
421 smseqydksd geqlsardlt wsyaalltan nrrnsvvpas wgetsassvp gtcaatsaig
481 tyssvtvtsw psivatggtt ttatptgsgs vtstskttat asktststss tscttptava
541 vtfdltattt ygeniylvgs isqlgdwets dgialsadky tssdplwyvt vtlpagesfe
601 ykfiriesdd svewesdpnr eytvpqacgt statvtdtwr