3DB Atlas for 1BFP This is 1BFPHelp
1BFP Luminescence date Apr 09, 1997
title Blue Variant Of Green Fluorescent Protein
authors R.M.Wachter, B.A.King, R.Heim, K.Kallio, R.Y.Tsien, S.G.Boxer, S.J.Remington
compound source
Molecule: Blue Fluorescent Protein
Chain: Null
Synonym: Blue-Emission Variant
Engineered: Yes
Mutation: S65, H66, And G67 Are Replaced With Iic 66, Y145f
Organism_scientific: Aequorea Victoria
Organism_common: Jellyfish
Expression_system: Escherichia Coli
Expression_system_strain: Jm109 (De3)
Expression_system_cellular_location: Cytoplasm
Expression_system_plasmid: Prsetb (Invitrogen)
Other_details: The N-Terminal His-Tag Has Been Removed
symmetry Space Group: P 21 21 21
R_factor 0.181
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
52.010 63.090 69.180 90.00 90.00 90.00
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution 2.1 Å
ligand IIC

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Other resources with information on 1BFP:
scop (Structural Classification of Proteins)
MMDB (Entrez's Structure Database)
Domain Definition for 1bfp from 3Dee ( The Database of Protein Domain Definitions )
PDBSUM to CATH (PDB Summary files, including derived data, linked to the CATH Protein Structure Classification)

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