amantadine hydrochloride

amantadine hydrochlorideTable Of Contents:
Generic names (Common brand names)
Proper use
Side effects
Special considerations

Generic names (Common brand names):
amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel, Symadine)
* This list does not necessarily include all brand names.

Amantadine is an antiviral agent that appears to block the release of viral material from susceptible viruses into the host cell. This keeps the virus from multiplying in the host cell and allows the body's own defenses to destroy the virus.

Amantadine also affects the nervous system reducing the muscle rigidity, tremors and impaired movement that is associated with Parkinsonism.

Amantadine is used to treat or prevent infections (certain strains of flu) due to influenza A. It is also used in the treatment of parkinsonism.

Proper use:
Take as instructed by the health care provider.
For use in the prevention or treatment of the flu. You should get a yearly flu shot, unless your health care provider has given you a reason not to. Take amantadine prior to exposure or as soon after as possible. If you already have the flu, continue to take the medication for the full course of therapy. Take for at least 2 days after all symptoms of the flu have disappeared. Space doses evenly apart throughout the 24-hour day.

Missed dose:
Take the missed dose as soon as remembered. If it is close to the time for the next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the correct time. Do not double the dose.

Side effects:
Seek immediate medical attention if any of these symptoms occur:MINOR
These effects need no attention unless they become annoying:
Special considerations:
ALCOHOLASTHMATICSBREAST FEEDINGDIABETES MELLITUSDISCONTINUING MEDICATIONDRIVING AND HAZARDOUS EQUIPMENT OPERATIONELDERLYThe elderly may have more problems with difficulty urinating, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, constipation, and dry mouth than other age groups.

[Generic names (Common brand names)][Description][Uses][Proper use][Cautions][Side effects][Special considerations]

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