Retinal neurobiology
Neural circuitry
Key question: How do mammalian retinas process visual information?
Approach: Using electrophysiology and modeling to study how retinal ganglion cells encode visual information efficiently.
Collaborators: Chi-Keung Chan (Academia Sinica), Fred Rieke (University of Washington, USA)
Neural development
Key question: How do mammalian retinal circuits and vessels develop?
Approach: Using transgenic mice, immunocytochemistry, electrophysiology, and confocal microscopy to study how intrinsic photosensitive retinal ganglion cells and retinal vessels develop.
Collaborators: Shih-Kuo Chen (National Taiwan Univesity)
Neural regeneration
Key question: How do optic nerves in the mammalian retina regenerate?
Approach: Using cultured retinal ganglion cells, retinal explants, retinal organoid to study how increased neural activity and magnetic nanoparticles can facilitate retinal axon regrowth.
Collaborators: Shih-Hwa Chiou (Taipei Veterans General Hospital), Jong-Kai Hsiao (Taipei TzuChi Hospital)
Neural prosthesis
Key question: How do artificial retinas restore vision?
Approach: Using photoreceptor degenerated mice, electrophysiology, and light/electrical stimulations to study how retinal prosthesis can evoke the response of retinal ganglion cells effectively.
Collaborators: Chung-Yu Wu (National Chiao Tung University)