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  PDB id: 1bkn

DNA repair

Title: Crystal structure of an n-terminal 40kd fragment of e. Coli DNA mismatch repair protein mutl

Structure: Mutl. Chain: a, b. Fragment: n-terminal 40kd fragment. Engineered: yes
Source: Escherichia coli. Strain: k-12. Plasmid: ptx418. Gene: mutl. Expressed in: escherichia coli.

Resolution: 2.90Å. R-factor: 0.248. R-free: 0.300.

Authors: W.Yang, C.Ban

Date: 09-Jul-98

PDB headers PROCHECK summary


PDB entry
OCA entry
MMDB (NCBI) IMB entry STING entry GRASS entry PQS entry CATH entry SCOP entry FSSP entry PROCHECK entry WHATCHECK entry PROMOTIF entry

surface RasMol surface Molecule(s) in PDB file 1bkn:

. Chain A ( 272 residues )

. Chain B ( 271 residues )

. 55 water molecules.