Assignment 8
1. Make a GIF picture of the PDB file that you find in assignment7 by RasMol. 
   Display it in cartoon form and color it by structure.      
  Please make the orientation of the molecule just like the molecule in the picture of assignment 7 - 2.

      Display--Cartoon > Colors--Structure
2. Residues Glu173 and Arg177 are possible to form an ion pair (salt-bridge).    
    (a) Draw a zoom-in picture of this pair. Show these two residues  in sticks and color with cpk. 
         The rest of protein in backbone form. 
    (b) Measure the distance between Glu173A.OE and ARG177A.NH.

   Select All > Display--Backbone > Select Glu173 > Display--Sticks > Color--Cpk > Select Arg177 > Display--Sticks >
   Color--Cpk > Set Picking Label > Click on desired atoms > Color Labels White > Set Picking Ident > 
   Select Atomno =973 (eg, OE1) > Label %n%r

(b) Distances  
   Arg177A.NH1-Glu173A.OE1: 6.454 A
Arg177A.NH1-Glu173A.OE2: 4.829 A
Arg177A.NH2-Glu173A.OE1: 5.567 A
Arg177A.NH2-Glu173A.OE2: 3.644 A

Set Picking Distance > Click on two atoms > Watch the Report in the Command Line > Set Picking Monitor > Click on two atoms > Color Monitor White
3. Show a protein fragment with residues 622 to 699 only. Show them in cartoon form and color with 

  Display--Cartoons > Colors--Temperature > Restrict 622-699
4. Make a stereo picture for only the atoms within 6.0 Angstrom of Phe721.
    Show this residue in green color, others in cpk and all the residues in wireframe 0.1 format. 

   Restrict within (6.0,phe721) > wireframe 0.1 > Colors--Cpk > Select Phe721 > Color Green > Stereo
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