Assignment 1 -- Introduction of a databas and a tool

a) Database--EMBL

The EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) nucleotide sequence database is maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). This database is updated and synchronized with other two major nucleotide sequence databases GenBank and DDBJ in a daily base. It contains DNA and RNA sequences submitted by researches, project groups and patent applications. One can enter a keyword to search for the related nucleotide sequences, protein sequences or protein structures. Or one can directly enter the accession number of a gene to retrieve it.

b) Tool--PredictProtein

The analysis tool The PredictProtein Server is a service for sequence analysis and structure prediction. One can submit any protein sequence, and then the PredictProtein will retrieve similar sequences from database and predict aspects of protein structure. It works by first searching for the generation of multiple sequence alignments, the detection of functional motifs, compositon-bias and protein domains. After that it can make predictions of the protein's sencondary structure, its residue solvent accesibility, the transmembrane helix location and topology, the coliled-coil regions....and so on.



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