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Year Title Author Score
1726 Gulliver's Travels Swift, Johathan 10
1818 Frankenstein Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 15 譯 已讀
1863 A Journey to the Center of the Earth Verne, Jules 11
1870 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Verne, Jules 13
1871 Coming Race, The Lytton, Edward Bulwer 7
1871 The Battle of Dorking Chesney, Sir George 7
1872 Erewhon Butler, Samuel 7
1880 Across the Zodiac Greg, Percy 7
1886 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis 8
1886 She Haggard, H. Rider 8
1888 Looking Backward Bellamy, Edward 10
1889 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A Clemens, Samuel Longhorne 10
1895 Time Machine, The Wells, H. G. 23
1896 The Island of Dr. Moreau Wells, H. G. 7
1898 War of the Worlds, The Wells, H. G. 23
1909 Machine Stops and Other Stories, The Forster, E. M. 7
1911 Hampdenshire Wonder, The Beresford, J. D. 11
1912 Lost World, The Doyle, Arthur Conan 12 譯 已讀(疑似改寫版)
1913 The Poison Belt Doyle, Arthur Conan 7
1915 Herland Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 7
1917 Princess of Mars, A Burroughs, Edgar Rice 14
1920 Voyage to Arcturus, A Lindsay, David 10
1920 R.U.R. Capek, Karel 12
1921 Back to Methuselah Shaw, George Bernard 7
1922 Girl in the Golden Atom, The Cummings, Ray 8
1923 Clockwork Man, The Odle, E. V. 8
1924 We Zamiatin, Yevgeny 14
1927 Short Stories of H. G. Wells, The Wells, H. G. 12
1927 Deluge Wright, S. Fowler 8
1927 Absolute at Large, The Capek, Karel 8
1930 Last and First Men Stapledon, Olaf 18
1930 World Below, The Wright, S. Fowler 13
1931 The Weigher of Souls Maurois, Andre 7
1932 To-Morrow's Yesterday Gloag, John 7
1932 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 19
1935 Odd John Stapledon, Olaf 11
1936 War with the Newts Capek, Karel 9
1937 Star Maker Stapledon, Olaf 16
1938 Out of the Silent Planet Lewis, C. S. 13
1941 Lest Darkness Fall De Camp, L. Sprague 13
1943 Perelandra Lewis, C. S. 8
1944 Sirius Stapledon, Olaf 11
1945 Animal Farm Orwell, George 8
1945 That Hideous Strength Lewis, C. S. 9
1946 Best of Science Fiction, The Conklin, Groff 7
1946 Skylark of Space, The Smith, E. E. 7
1946 Adventures in Time and Space Healy & McComas 13
1946 Slan Van Vogt, A. E. 16
1948 Who Goes There? Campbell, John W. 9
1948 World of Null-A, The Van Vogt, A. E. 18
1948 Final Blackout Hubbard, L. Ron 7
1948 The Lensman Series Smith, E. E. 7
1949 Humanoids, The Williamson, Jack 16
1949 Earth Abides Stewart, George R. 15
1949 1984 Orwell, George 20 譯 已讀
1950 I, Robot Asimov, Isaac 13
1950 Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury, Ray 22 譯 已讀
1950 Dying Earth, The Vance, Jack 7
1951 Day of the Triffids, The Wyndham, John 12
1951 Foundation Trilogy, The Asimov, Isaac 24 譯 已讀(好虧,三本才 +1)
1951 Illustrated Man, The Bradbury, Ray 9 英 已讀
1951 Gray Lensman Smith, E. E. 10
1952 Player Piano Vonnegut, Kurt 10
1952 Astounding Science Fiction Anthology Campbell, John W. 7
1952 City Simak, Clifford 20
1953 Bring the Jubilee Moore, Ward 8
1953 Space Merchants, The Pohl & Kornbluth 21
1953 E Pluribus Unicorn Sturgeon, Theodore 8
1953 Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray 18 英 譯 已讀
1953 More Than Human Sturgeon, Theodore 25
1953 Demolished Man, The Bester, Alfred 25
1953 Childhood's End Clarke, Arthur C. 23
1954 Untouched by Human Hands Sheckley, Robert 7
1954 Brain Wave Anderson, Poul 7
1954 Caves of Steel, The Asimov, Isaac 12
1954 Mirror for Observers, A Pangborn, Edgar 12
1954 Mission of Gravity Clement, Hal 20
1955 Of All Possible Worlds Tenn, William 10
1955 Long Tomorrow, The Brackett, Leigh 8
1955 Re-Birth/The Chrysalids Wyndham, John 7
1955 Cities in Flight Blish, James 12
1956 Death of Grass, The Christopher, John 8
1956 City and the Stars, The Clarke, Arthur C. 19
1956 Double Star Heinlein, Robert A. 11
1956 Under Pressure Herbert, Frank 8
1957 On the Beach Shute, Nevile 9
1957 Midwich Cuckoos, The Wyndham, John 10
1957 Stars My Destination, The Bester, Alfred 21 英 已讀
1957 The Black Cloud Hoyle, Fred 8
1958 Case of Conscience, A Blish, James 17
1959 Starship Troopers Heinlein, Robert A. 13
1959 Sirens of Titan, The Vonnegut, Kurt 13
1960 Deathworld Harrison, Harry 7
1960 Canticle for Leibowitz, A Miller, Walter M. 24
1960 Rogue Moon Budrys, Algis 11
1961 Big Time, The Leiber, Fritz 10
1961 Stranger in a Strange Land Heinlein, Robert A. 19
1961 Dark Universe Galouye, Daniel F. 7
1961 Lovers, The Farmer, Philip Jose 9
1962 Long Afternoon of Earth, The (Hothouse) Aldiss, Brian 17
1962 Clockwork Orange, A Burgess, Anthony 16 譯 已讀
1962 Drowned World, The Ballard, J. G. 8
1962 Man in the High Castle, The Dick, Philip K. 20
1963 Way Station Simak, Clifford 16
1964 Wanderer, The Leiber, Fritz 9
1964 Davy Pangborn, Edgar 11
1964 Greybeard Aldiss, Brian 8
1965 Dune Herbert, Frank 25 英 已讀
1966 Dream Master, The Zelazny, Roger 7
1966 The Witches of Karres Schmitz, James H. 7
1966 Make Room! Make Room! Harrison, Harry 7
1966 This Immortal Zelazny, Roger 8
1966 Crystal World, The Ballard, J. G. 10
1966 Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Heinlein, Robert A. 17
1966 Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel 17
1966 Babel-17 Delany, Samuel R. 10
1967 Dangerous Visions Ellison, Harlan 12
1967 Einstein Intersection, The Delany, Samuel R. 10
1967 Past Through Tomorrow, The Heinlein, Robert A. 9
1967 Lord of Light Zelazny, Roger 15 英 已讀
1968 Pavane Roberts, Keith 10
1968 Camp Concentration Disch, Thomas 16
1968 Stand on Zanzibar Brunner, John 24
1968 Rite of Passage Panshin, Alexei 12
1968 Nova Delany, Samuel R. 7
1968 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Dick, Philip K. 14
1969 Left Hand of Darkness, The Le Guin, Ursula K. 24 譯 已讀
1969 Behold The Man Moorcock, Michael 7
1969 Slaughterhouse Five Vonnegut, Kurt 13 譯 已讀
1969 Ubik Dick, Philip K. 13
1969 Bug Jack Barron Spinrad, Norman 10
1970 Science Fiction Hall of Fame Silverberg, Robert 9 英 已讀
1970 Ringworld Niven, Larry 21
1970 Solaris Lem, Stanislaw 14
1970 Downward to the Earth Silverberg, Robert 7
1970 Tau Zero Anderson, Poul 12
1971 Chronopolis and Other Stories Ballard, J. G. 7
1971 Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, The Zelazny, Roger 10
1971 To Your Scattered Bodies Go Farmer, Philip Jose 19
1972 334 Disch, Thomas 10
1972 The Iron Dream Spinrad, Norman 7
1972 Dying Inside Silverberg, Robert 17
1972 Fifth Head of Cerberus, The Wolfe, Gene 9
1972 The Listeners Gunn, James 7
1972 Gods Themselves, The Asimov, Isaac 13
1972 Again, Dangerous Visions Ellison, Harlan 8
1972 Beyond Apollo Malzberg, Barry N. 12
1972 Roadside Picnic Strugatskii, A & B 11
1972 Sheep Look Up, The Brunner, John 8
1973 Embedding, The Watson, Ian 10
1973 Rendezvous with Rama Clarke, Arthur C. 19  譯 已讀
1973 Casey Agonistes McKenna, Richard 7
1974 Dispossesed, The Le Guin, Ursula K. 21
1974 Before the Golden Age Asimov, Isaac 10
1975 The Wind's Twelve Quarters Le Guin, Ursula K. 9
1975 Best of Frederik Pohl, The Pohl, Frederik 7
1975 Dhalgren Delany, Samuel R. 13
1975 Science Fiction of Jack London, The London, Jack 7
1975 Deathbird Stories Ellison, Harlan 13
1975 A Martian Odyssey and Other Science Fiction Tales Weinbaum, Stanley G. 9
1975 Forever War, The Haldeman, Joe 19 英 已讀
1975 Best of Henry Kuttner, The Kuttner, Henry 11
1975 The Best of C. L. Moore Moore, C. L. 9
1975 Norstrilia Smith, Cordwainer 12
1975 Female Man, The Russ, Joanna 13
1976 Best of C. M. Kornbluth, The Kornbluth, C. M. 10
1976 Woman on the Edge of Time Piercy, Marge 7
1976 The Science Fiction of Edgar Alla Poe Poe, Edgar Allan 10
1976 Dorsai Dickson, Gordon 10
1976 Man Plus Pohl, Frederik 12
1977 Gateway Pohl, Frederik 19 英 已讀
1978 Dreamsnake McIntyre, Vonda N. 9
1978 Persistence of Vision, The Varley, John 11
1979 The Fountains of Paradise Clarke, Arthur C. 7
1979 On the Wings of Song Disch, Thomas 8
1979 Engine Summer Crowley, John 10
1980 Book of the New Sun, The Wolfe, Gene 15
1980 Timescape Benford, Gregory 16
1980 Riddley Walker Hoban, Russell 9
1980 The Snow Queen Vinge, Joan 9
1981 Downbelow Station Cherryh, C. J. 14
1982 Helliconia Spring Aldiss, Brian 13
1982 No Enemy But Time Bishop, Michael 12
1983 Startide Rising Brin, David 13
1984 Neuromancer Gibson, William 14 英 已讀
1985 Blood Music Bear, Greg 11
1986 Ender's Game Card, Orson Scott 11 英 譯 已讀
1988 Islands in the Net Sterling, Bruce 7
1989 Hyperion Simmons, Dan 13 譯 已讀
1990 The Fall of Hyperion Simmons, Dan 9 譯 已讀
1992 Doomsday Book Willis, Connie 9
1992 Red Mars Robinson, Kim Stanley 9
1992 Fire Upon the Deep, A Vinge, Vernor 8

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