1.若進入blast來查可知此sequencemoloney murine sarcoma所有,再進入pubmed鍵入關鍵字"moloney murine sarcoma virus gene function"找尋可得到相關的paper列舉如下

Analysis of transforming gene products from Moloney murine sarcoma virus.

Papkoff J, Lai MH, Hunter T, Verma IM

We previously showed that in vitro translation of M-MuSV virion RNA yielded a 62 kd gag gene product and an overlapping set of four proteins with approximate molecular weights of 37,000, 33,000, 24,000 and 18,000. In this paper we show, by use of hybrid arrest translation with cloned recombinant DNAs containing M-MuSV v-mosMo sequences, that the 37, 33, 24 and 18 kd proteins are synthesized in their entirety from the v-mosMo gene. Analysis of the primary sequence of these proteins shows that each one is initiated independently from AUG codons within the v-mosMo gene and utilizes the long open reading frame predicted from the v-mosMo DNA sequence. Antisera against synthetic peptides corresponding to the C terminus of the predicted v-mosMo gene product precipitate all four in vitro v-mosMo proteins. PMID: 6276018, UI: 82115325


The transforming protein of Moloney murine sarcoma virus is a soluble cytoplasmic protein.

Papkoff J, Nigg EA, Hunter T

The transforming gene, v-mos, of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (M-MuSV) encodes a 37,000-dalton phosphoprotein, p37mos. Since the biochemical function of this protein is unknown, we have determined the subcellular location of p37mos in M-MuSV 124-transformed cells. Using two different methods of cell lysis and fractionation, we found that newly synthesized as well as mature p37mos is a soluble cytoplasmic protein. In agreement with these results, immunofluorescent staining of cells acutely infected with M-MuSV 124, using an antiserum directed against a synthetic v-mos peptide, produced a diffuse cytoplasmic pattern.Gel filtration experiments and glycerol gradient sedimentation analysis suggest that the bulk of p37mos exists as a monomer and is not involved in a specific association with other cellular proteins. These properties of p37mos are different from those of other characterized retroviral transforming proteins.

PMID: 6380747, UI: 84282665


Complete nucleotide sequence and organization of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus genome.

Reddy EP, Smith MJ, Aaronson SA

The complete nucleotide sequence of a mammalian transforming retrovirus. Moloney murine sarcoma virus, has been determined. MSV, recombinant virus derived of helper viral and cellular sequences, possesses termini resembling prokaryotic transposable elements. The viral genome has the coding capacity for the Moloney murine leukemia virus gag gene product and contains large deletions in pol and env genes. A large open reading frame encompassing its cell-derived sequences codes for its putative transforming protein. The nature of some of the important domains in the viral genome has been established, and their structure is discussed in relation to their function.

PMID: 6170110, UI: 82039559

2.ncbitoxonomy browser 可知此為tomato的學名,再由entrez將此學名paste,1273篇有關此tomatogenebank report (blasta report),也可用pubmed 來查,但選項要用genebank DNA sequencegene bank protein sequence,至於有多少,由於每篇report所發現的sequence可能有重疊的現象. 所以只有一篇篇查看,另外在add term 打入heat shock protein,再用 title word 限制,可找出此篇report ,cds如下

CDS 108..584

/note="heat treatment/chilling tolerance related protein

from tomato fruit"


/product="class II small heat shock protein Le-HSP17.6"



DNA transcribe出的mRNA


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