Homework 8

Sequence analysis / model building


1.Using the ExPASy tool menu, we find DNA translate to Protein tool. We type the sequence and find the following message.

5'3'Frame 1

W Met P C S G G N Met K K S I L F I F L S V L S F S P F A Q D A K P V E S S K E K I T L
E S K K C N I A K K S N K S G P E S Met N S S N Y C C E L C C N P A C T G C Y Stop
Stop Y K G N Stop T V P F I F V L I L Met Met S V T Y V L L L C Stop I N R

2.We use BLAST tool of NCBI, and we find the scores of HEAT-STABLE ENTEROTOXIN A4 PRECURSOR are highest. The identities is 100%. Press this to get more information. So, maybe it is not a new protein.

3.Using SAPS tool, we find numbers of negative charge residues (Asp+Glu) are 6 and positive charge residues (Arg+His+Lys) are 12.

4.positive charage(blue):K,R,H

   negative charage(red):D.E

   polar but unchage(yellow):S,T,C,Y,N,Q



5. We use ProtScale, and setted the condition of Eisenberg hydrophobicity scale with window size 7and  the relative weight of the window edges compared to the window center should set to 40%.

pscale8617.gif (9620 bytes)

6.We use Prosite scanning tool and find the message.

7.Using computer pI/Mw tool, we find the following message:




  003.gif (1443 bytes)