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231041         ---------------------------------------------------

Definition     Insulin

PDB            Molecule:  4INS,   Chain:  D

NCBI           Seq ID: 231041

Comment        3-D Structure determined by X-Ray Diffraction
               Class: Hormone
               Source: Pig (Sus scrofa)

Comment        Revision History:
               JUL 31 94 Coordinates
               JUL 15 93 Typographical
               APR 15 90 Initial Entry

Citation       Data Submission: G.G.Dodson, E.J.Dodson, D.C.Hodgkin,
               N.W.Isaacs & M.Vijayan (1989).

Citation       E.N.Baker, T.L.Blundell, J.F.Cutfield, S.M.Cutfield,
               E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, D.M.Crowfoot Hodgkin, R.E.Hubbard,
               N.W.Isaacs, C.D.Reynolds, K.Sakabe, N.Sakabe & N.M.Vijayan
               (1988).  The structure of 2Zn pig insulin crystals at 1.5 A
               resolution.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 319,

               MEDLINE identifier:  89099318

Citation       J.Bordas, G.G.Dodson, H.Grewe, M.H.J.Koch, B.Krebs & J.Randall
               (1983).  A Comparative Assessment Of The Zinc-Protein
               Coordination In 2Zn-Insulin As Determined By X-Ray Absorption
               Fine Structure (EXAFS) And X-Ray Crystallography.
               Proc.R.Soc.London,Ser.B 219, 21.

Citation       E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & C.D. Reynolds (1979).
               Structural relationships in the two-zinc insulin hexamer.
               Can. J. Biochem. 57, 469-479.

               MEDLINE identifier:  80001323

Citation       N.W.Isaacs & R.C.Agarwal (1978).  Experience With Fast Fourier
               Least Squares In The Refinement Of The Crystal Structure Of
               Rhombohedral 2-Zinc Insulin At 1.5 Angstroms Resolution.  Acta
               Crystallogr.,Sect.A 34, 782.

Citation       G. Bentley, G. Dodson & A. Lewitova (1978).  Rhombohedral
               insulin crystal transformation.  J. Mol. Biol. 126, 871-875.

               MEDLINE identifier:  79132592

Citation       E.J.Dodson, N.W.Isaacs & J.S.Rollett (1976).  A Method For
               Fitting Satisfactory Models To Sets Of Atomic Positions In
               Protein Structure Refinements.  Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.A 32,

Citation       D.C.Hodgkin (1974).  Varieties Of Insulin.  J.Endocrinol. 63,

Citation       D.C. Hodgkin (1972).  The structure of insulin.  Dan Tidsskr
               Farm 46, 1-28.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72164661

Citation       T.Blundell, G.Dodson, D.Hodgkin & D.Mercola (1972).  Insulin.
               The Structure In The Crystal And Its Reflection In Chemistry
               And Biology.  Adv.Protein Chem. 26, 279.

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C.
               Hodgkin & D.A. Mercola (1972).  The crystal structure of
               rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin.  Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant.
               Biol. 36, 233-241.

               MEDLINE identifier:  73041131

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G.
               Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin, D.A. Mercola & M. Vijayan (1971).
               Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin crystals.
               Nature 231, 506-511.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71230365

Citation       T.L. Blundell, G.G. Dodson, E. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & M.
               Vijayan (1971).  X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin.
               Recent Prog. Horm. Res. 27, 1-40.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72115099

Citation       E.N. Baker & G. Dodson (1970).  X-ray diffraction data on some
               crystalline varieties of insulin.  J. Mol. Biol. 54, 605-609.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71077285

Citation       M.J.Adams, T.L.Blundell, E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, M.Vijayan,
               E.N.Baker, M.M.Harding, D.C.Hodgkin, B.Rimmer & S.Sheat
               (1969).  Structure Of Rhombohedral 2 Zinc Insulin Crystals.
               Nature 224, 491.

Citation       Atlas Of Protein Sequence And Structure (Data Section) (1972);
               M.O.Dayhoff; National Biomedical Research Foundation, Silver
               Spring,Md.; 187.

Sec. Str.      Helix                              4INS_D:  8..19
               helix 3

Heterogen      ( ZN,   2 ) Zinc Ion On 3-Fold     4INS_D:  10 bond
               Crystal Axis

Sequence       30 aa

             1 fvnqhlcgsh lvealylvcg ergffytpka

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Links: [8 MEDLINE links] [1 structure links] [109 Related Protein sequences]
231040         ---------------------------------------------------

Definition     Insulin

PDB            Molecule:  4INS,   Chain:  C

NCBI           Seq ID: 231040

Comment        3-D Structure determined by X-Ray Diffraction
               Class: Hormone
               Source: Pig (Sus scrofa)

Comment        Revision History:
               JUL 31 94 Coordinates
               JUL 15 93 Typographical
               APR 15 90 Initial Entry

Citation       Data Submission: G.G.Dodson, E.J.Dodson, D.C.Hodgkin,
               N.W.Isaacs & M.Vijayan (1989).

Citation       E.N.Baker, T.L.Blundell, J.F.Cutfield, S.M.Cutfield,
               E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, D.M.Crowfoot Hodgkin, R.E.Hubbard,
               N.W.Isaacs, C.D.Reynolds, K.Sakabe, N.Sakabe & N.M.Vijayan
               (1988).  The structure of 2Zn pig insulin crystals at 1.5 A
               resolution.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 319,

               MEDLINE identifier:  89099318

Citation       J.Bordas, G.G.Dodson, H.Grewe, M.H.J.Koch, B.Krebs & J.Randall
               (1983).  A Comparative Assessment Of The Zinc-Protein
               Coordination In 2Zn-Insulin As Determined By X-Ray Absorption
               Fine Structure (EXAFS) And X-Ray Crystallography.
               Proc.R.Soc.London,Ser.B 219, 21.

Citation       E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & C.D. Reynolds (1979).
               Structural relationships in the two-zinc insulin hexamer.
               Can. J. Biochem. 57, 469-479.

               MEDLINE identifier:  80001323

Citation       N.W.Isaacs & R.C.Agarwal (1978).  Experience With Fast Fourier
               Least Squares In The Refinement Of The Crystal Structure Of
               Rhombohedral 2-Zinc Insulin At 1.5 Angstroms Resolution.  Acta
               Crystallogr.,Sect.A 34, 782.

Citation       G. Bentley, G. Dodson & A. Lewitova (1978).  Rhombohedral
               insulin crystal transformation.  J. Mol. Biol. 126, 871-875.

               MEDLINE identifier:  79132592

Citation       E.J.Dodson, N.W.Isaacs & J.S.Rollett (1976).  A Method For
               Fitting Satisfactory Models To Sets Of Atomic Positions In
               Protein Structure Refinements.  Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.A 32,

Citation       D.C.Hodgkin (1974).  Varieties Of Insulin.  J.Endocrinol. 63,

Citation       D.C. Hodgkin (1972).  The structure of insulin.  Dan Tidsskr
               Farm 46, 1-28.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72164661

Citation       T.Blundell, G.Dodson, D.Hodgkin & D.Mercola (1972).  Insulin.
               The Structure In The Crystal And Its Reflection In Chemistry
               And Biology.  Adv.Protein Chem. 26, 279.

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C.
               Hodgkin & D.A. Mercola (1972).  The crystal structure of
               rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin.  Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant.
               Biol. 36, 233-241.

               MEDLINE identifier:  73041131

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G.
               Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin, D.A. Mercola & M. Vijayan (1971).
               Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin crystals.
               Nature 231, 506-511.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71230365

Citation       T.L. Blundell, G.G. Dodson, E. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & M.
               Vijayan (1971).  X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin.
               Recent Prog. Horm. Res. 27, 1-40.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72115099

Citation       E.N. Baker & G. Dodson (1970).  X-ray diffraction data on some
               crystalline varieties of insulin.  J. Mol. Biol. 54, 605-609.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71077285

Citation       M.J.Adams, T.L.Blundell, E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, M.Vijayan,
               E.N.Baker, M.M.Harding, D.C.Hodgkin, B.Rimmer & S.Sheat
               (1969).  Structure Of Rhombohedral 2 Zinc Insulin Crystals.
               Nature 224, 491.

Citation       Atlas Of Protein Sequence And Structure (Data Section) (1972);
               M.O.Dayhoff; National Biomedical Research Foundation, Silver
               Spring,Md.; 187.

disulfide bond                                    4INS_C:  6 bond 11

Sequence       21 aa

             1 giveqcctsi cslyqlenyc n

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Links: [8 MEDLINE links] [1 structure links] [126 Related Protein sequences]
231039         ---------------------------------------------------

Definition     Insulin

PDB            Molecule:  4INS,   Chain:  B

NCBI           Seq ID: 231039

Comment        3-D Structure determined by X-Ray Diffraction
               Class: Hormone
               Source: Pig (Sus scrofa)

Comment        Revision History:
               JUL 31 94 Coordinates
               JUL 15 93 Typographical
               APR 15 90 Initial Entry

Citation       Data Submission: G.G.Dodson, E.J.Dodson, D.C.Hodgkin,
               N.W.Isaacs & M.Vijayan (1989).

Citation       E.N.Baker, T.L.Blundell, J.F.Cutfield, S.M.Cutfield,
               E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, D.M.Crowfoot Hodgkin, R.E.Hubbard,
               N.W.Isaacs, C.D.Reynolds, K.Sakabe, N.Sakabe & N.M.Vijayan
               (1988).  The structure of 2Zn pig insulin crystals at 1.5 A
               resolution.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 319,

               MEDLINE identifier:  89099318

Citation       J.Bordas, G.G.Dodson, H.Grewe, M.H.J.Koch, B.Krebs & J.Randall
               (1983).  A Comparative Assessment Of The Zinc-Protein
               Coordination In 2Zn-Insulin As Determined By X-Ray Absorption
               Fine Structure (EXAFS) And X-Ray Crystallography.
               Proc.R.Soc.London,Ser.B 219, 21.

Citation       E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & C.D. Reynolds (1979).
               Structural relationships in the two-zinc insulin hexamer.
               Can. J. Biochem. 57, 469-479.

               MEDLINE identifier:  80001323

Citation       N.W.Isaacs & R.C.Agarwal (1978).  Experience With Fast Fourier
               Least Squares In The Refinement Of The Crystal Structure Of
               Rhombohedral 2-Zinc Insulin At 1.5 Angstroms Resolution.  Acta
               Crystallogr.,Sect.A 34, 782.

Citation       G. Bentley, G. Dodson & A. Lewitova (1978).  Rhombohedral
               insulin crystal transformation.  J. Mol. Biol. 126, 871-875.

               MEDLINE identifier:  79132592

Citation       E.J.Dodson, N.W.Isaacs & J.S.Rollett (1976).  A Method For
               Fitting Satisfactory Models To Sets Of Atomic Positions In
               Protein Structure Refinements.  Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.A 32,

Citation       D.C.Hodgkin (1974).  Varieties Of Insulin.  J.Endocrinol. 63,

Citation       D.C. Hodgkin (1972).  The structure of insulin.  Dan Tidsskr
               Farm 46, 1-28.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72164661

Citation       T.Blundell, G.Dodson, D.Hodgkin & D.Mercola (1972).  Insulin.
               The Structure In The Crystal And Its Reflection In Chemistry
               And Biology.  Adv.Protein Chem. 26, 279.

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C.
               Hodgkin & D.A. Mercola (1972).  The crystal structure of
               rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin.  Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant.
               Biol. 36, 233-241.

               MEDLINE identifier:  73041131

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G.
               Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin, D.A. Mercola & M. Vijayan (1971).
               Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin crystals.
               Nature 231, 506-511.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71230365

Citation       T.L. Blundell, G.G. Dodson, E. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & M.
               Vijayan (1971).  X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin.
               Recent Prog. Horm. Res. 27, 1-40.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72115099

Citation       E.N. Baker & G. Dodson (1970).  X-ray diffraction data on some
               crystalline varieties of insulin.  J. Mol. Biol. 54, 605-609.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71077285

Citation       M.J.Adams, T.L.Blundell, E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, M.Vijayan,
               E.N.Baker, M.M.Harding, D.C.Hodgkin, B.Rimmer & S.Sheat
               (1969).  Structure Of Rhombohedral 2 Zinc Insulin Crystals.
               Nature 224, 491.

Citation       Atlas Of Protein Sequence And Structure (Data Section) (1972);
               M.O.Dayhoff; National Biomedical Research Foundation, Silver
               Spring,Md.; 187.

Sec. Str.      Helix                              4INS_B:  10..19
               helix 2

Heterogen      ( ZN,   1 ) Zinc Ion On 3-Fold     4INS_B:  10 bond
               Crystal Axis

Sequence       30 aa

             1 fvnqhlcgsh lvealylvcg ergffytpka

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Links: [8 MEDLINE links] [1 structure links] [109 Related Protein sequences]
231038         ---------------------------------------------------

Definition     Insulin

PDB            Molecule:  4INS,   Chain:  A

NCBI           Seq ID: 231038

Comment        3-D Structure determined by X-Ray Diffraction
               Class: Hormone
               Source: Pig (Sus scrofa)

Comment        Revision History:
               JUL 31 94 Coordinates
               JUL 15 93 Typographical
               APR 15 90 Initial Entry

Citation       Data Submission: G.G.Dodson, E.J.Dodson, D.C.Hodgkin,
               N.W.Isaacs & M.Vijayan (1989).

Citation       E.N.Baker, T.L.Blundell, J.F.Cutfield, S.M.Cutfield,
               E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, D.M.Crowfoot Hodgkin, R.E.Hubbard,
               N.W.Isaacs, C.D.Reynolds, K.Sakabe, N.Sakabe & N.M.Vijayan
               (1988).  The structure of 2Zn pig insulin crystals at 1.5 A
               resolution.  Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 319,

               MEDLINE identifier:  89099318

Citation       J.Bordas, G.G.Dodson, H.Grewe, M.H.J.Koch, B.Krebs & J.Randall
               (1983).  A Comparative Assessment Of The Zinc-Protein
               Coordination In 2Zn-Insulin As Determined By X-Ray Absorption
               Fine Structure (EXAFS) And X-Ray Crystallography.
               Proc.R.Soc.London,Ser.B 219, 21.

Citation       E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & C.D. Reynolds (1979).
               Structural relationships in the two-zinc insulin hexamer.
               Can. J. Biochem. 57, 469-479.

               MEDLINE identifier:  80001323

Citation       N.W.Isaacs & R.C.Agarwal (1978).  Experience With Fast Fourier
               Least Squares In The Refinement Of The Crystal Structure Of
               Rhombohedral 2-Zinc Insulin At 1.5 Angstroms Resolution.  Acta
               Crystallogr.,Sect.A 34, 782.

Citation       G. Bentley, G. Dodson & A. Lewitova (1978).  Rhombohedral
               insulin crystal transformation.  J. Mol. Biol. 126, 871-875.

               MEDLINE identifier:  79132592

Citation       E.J.Dodson, N.W.Isaacs & J.S.Rollett (1976).  A Method For
               Fitting Satisfactory Models To Sets Of Atomic Positions In
               Protein Structure Refinements.  Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.A 32,

Citation       D.C.Hodgkin (1974).  Varieties Of Insulin.  J.Endocrinol. 63,

Citation       D.C. Hodgkin (1972).  The structure of insulin.  Dan Tidsskr
               Farm 46, 1-28.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72164661

Citation       T.Blundell, G.Dodson, D.Hodgkin & D.Mercola (1972).  Insulin.
               The Structure In The Crystal And Its Reflection In Chemistry
               And Biology.  Adv.Protein Chem. 26, 279.

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.C.
               Hodgkin & D.A. Mercola (1972).  The crystal structure of
               rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin.  Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant.
               Biol. 36, 233-241.

               MEDLINE identifier:  73041131

Citation       T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G.
               Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin, D.A. Mercola & M. Vijayan (1971).
               Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin crystals.
               Nature 231, 506-511.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71230365

Citation       T.L. Blundell, G.G. Dodson, E. Dodson, D.C. Hodgkin & M.
               Vijayan (1971).  X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin.
               Recent Prog. Horm. Res. 27, 1-40.

               MEDLINE identifier:  72115099

Citation       E.N. Baker & G. Dodson (1970).  X-ray diffraction data on some
               crystalline varieties of insulin.  J. Mol. Biol. 54, 605-609.

               MEDLINE identifier:  71077285

Citation       M.J.Adams, T.L.Blundell, E.J.Dodson, G.G.Dodson, M.Vijayan,
               E.N.Baker, M.M.Harding, D.C.Hodgkin, B.Rimmer & S.Sheat
               (1969).  Structure Of Rhombohedral 2 Zinc Insulin Crystals.
               Nature 224, 491.

Citation       Atlas Of Protein Sequence And Structure (Data Section) (1972);
               M.O.Dayhoff; National Biomedical Research Foundation, Silver
               Spring,Md.; 187.

Sec. Str.      Helix                              4INS_A:  1..9
               helix 1

disulfide bond                                    4INS_A:  6 bond 11

Sequence       21 aa

             1 giveqcctsi cslyqlenyc n